Legal Question in Business Law in California

Unfulfilled Buisness Agreement

I purchased a turnkey website on ebay a month and a half ago for 500 dollars. The buisness that I purchased the website from garenteed me fast and efficient service for the rest of my life, after I purchased the website I recieved the url, a statistics page and an email. Two weeks into my new buisness and my stats page stopped working, it didn't show anything passed december third. I emailed the guy approximately 17 different times and havn't heard a word from the buisness since. I was wondering what kind of legal action can be taken towards this kind of problem if any? If I have grounds to sue the company or not?

Asked on 12/22/03, 11:45 pm

2 Answers from Attorneys

Bryan Whipple Bryan R. R. Whipple, Attorney at Law

Re: Unfulfilled Buisness Agreement

Well, sure, you have legal grounds. The sellers are in breach of contract and perhaps worse. As a practical matter, however, you should consider this $500 investment as a loss, and a lesson in small business, and not throw good money after bad.

I can't say you have zero chance of recovering something from the folks that took your $500, but the odds are against you because your cost to pursue a suit would be many times more than $500 and even if you obtained a judgment your chances of collecting aren't great.

Unless you are independently wealthy and very PO'ed about being taken advantage of so that you really want to go on a quest against these crooks, I suggest swallowing our pride and writing off the investment on your 2003 tax return.

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Answered on 12/23/03, 1:31 am
Michael Olden Law Offices of Michael A. Olden

Re: Unfulfilled Buisness Agreement

Absolutely, young preacher contract cause of action along with other claims, to numerous dimension. The problem is your dealing with the Internet and as elusive in this area are the individuals, who knows who's really on the other end, where is this guy you bought it from, and do you really know his real name an identity. Like the love lorne column, is the seller the real person with whom you contracted or someone in his disguise??? I'll bet you never met him. He never signed a written agreement from you. And how much investigation did you do into his history in credibility. Once duped, I hope you learn from this lesson as it wasn't a very expensive one. Good luck to you.

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Answered on 12/23/03, 11:00 am

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