Legal Question in Business Law in California

I am a web designer/programmer. My version of a resume is to have a web site portfolio. This is common in my industry. Included in my portfolio is all past work that is finished and no longer confidential because they are web sites, banner ads, and online games that have been made public. My former boss at first threatened me that I could not post any work I did for his company without noting that I was working at his company at the time I did the work--so I noted beneath each project "work done for 'old company'." I did not use my old company's logo or any logo of the companies we did work for (except as it was shown on the web site). He recently sent me a threatening letter to remove all work on my portfolio web site that I did while at his company even though I gave his company credit. Am I allowed to have this work up on my portfolio web site?

Asked on 8/10/09, 6:03 pm

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