Legal Question in Civil Rights Law in California

Attorney on Probation

I am being sued on a frivolous lawsuit, and I have just learned that the plaintiff's attorney is on probation.

In addition to making the plaintiff pay for my legal costs, I am hoping to spare the plaintiff of having to pay his legal expenses (as I feel the attorney gave him unsound legal advice)

Can anyone tell me for what reason Mr. James William Bravos, Esq. is on probation ?

Asked on 12/08/07, 10:47 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

Robert F. Cohen Law Office of Robert F. Cohen

Re: Attorney on Probation

You can order a probation report at

The State Bar reported the following in 12/06: JAMES W. BRAVOS [#138097], 51, of San Diego was suspended from practice for two years, stayed, placed on four years of probation and was ordered to prove his rehabilitation and take the MPRE within one year. The order took effect July 13, 2006.

Bravos stipulated to misconduct in two matters.

In the first, while representing the defendant in a civil lawsuit, he failed to appear for three case management conferences, two mediation hearings, a trial setting conference and an order to show cause hearing. He was sanctioned $3,712.50. He didn't pay the sanctions or report them to the State Bar. The case eventually settled.

In the second matter, Bravos wrote checks against insufficient funds in his client trust account, commingled funds and used the account to pay personal and business expenses.

In mitigation, he has no discipline record since his 1988 admission to the bar, he cooperated with the bar's investigation and he had severe family and financial problems.

If I might give you assistance with your case, please let me know, directly.

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Answered on 12/08/07, 10:55 pm

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