Legal Question in Civil Rights Law in California

Civil /RE

Is there a CONTINGENCY (allocated)attorney out there that specializes in Real Estate Residential Property/Civil Lawsuits? My case is prepared and ready to file (w/fee waiver) and YES, there is ASSETS to attach, that are legally and evidentuary mine. I worked 9 months educating myself in real estate law,contract litigations, trustee sales,and foreclosures, I must say my loss is devastating b.c it involves my four children, my boyfriend and his son and to top it off even better, my mother is the one whose causes of action inlude breach of contract, conversion, fraud, theft and conspiracy to name the least. All for her fight against her 5th husband and she admitted in family law court her guilt to the judge which is on transcript when I file a TRO against her for me and my children. I have most every detail on paper with a looong trail and it's basically a slam dunk. I used the last of what $ I had paying an attorney 7500 of which we thought would cover preparation, filing and settling. If it goes to trial we were going to freeze assets cuz the case is against her and the 1st mort co (Indy) even though there was a 2nd. The 2nd bought out the 1st, but still lost $$$$$. Have much more ammunition than paper trail. Please take my case!

Asked on 11/27/07, 6:26 am

1 Answer from Attorneys


Re: Civil /RE

Why did the attorney that you had already paid fail to follow through? Contact me diretly.

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Answered on 11/27/07, 5:19 pm

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