Legal Question in Civil Rights Law in California

Verbal Agreement

I signed over my home to my daughter and her husband with the verbal agreement the he sell it and use the money to build a new home with a mother-n-law attached living space for myself to be at least 1000 sq ft. The mortgage amt. left was only $78K.

The sold it for almost $240K. Now they have divorced and he says he doesn't owe me a thing, even after stating at the time of the agreement, that if a divorce did happen, he would keep his promise. I also let him have my 8.65 acres of land for less than what I paid for it, to help also with the finances of building their new home (under 55K). He has now built a home on the property and it's value is around 300K and has it ready for sale. What can I do legally. I'm on social security permanent disability and homeless now.

Asked on 4/20/08, 11:21 am

1 Answer from Attorneys

Gordon Fauth Fauth Law Offices

Re: Verbal Agreement

You need to see a lawyer as soon as possible, to discuss the specifics of the situation and your potential claims. Leaving aside other possible claims, California has laws against Elder Abuse, which may have occurred here. A local lawyer is probably best, but feel free to contact me if you can't find one. Gordon Fauth, [email protected], 510.238.9610.

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Answered on 4/20/08, 1:23 pm

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