Legal Question in Technology Law in California

Internet Plagerism Laws

Just interested in knowing what the laws are when it comes to posting articles found in news papers, mag. or books on an internet web page. Can you copy articles word for word if you list your references?

Asked on 10/02/99, 10:03 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

Bruce Burdick Burdick Law Firm

Re: Internet Plagerism Laws

That would be illegal (copyright infringement), but goes on every day on probably millions of sites. The publishers (particularly small pubglishers) are pretty powerless to stop it except for major offenders, as there are just too many offenders to locate and too little damage by the small offenders to justify action. If the small offender gives credit to the publisher and doesn't copy more than a few pages, the small offender is pretty safe. Copy a whole lot or distribute to a whole lot of customers and you start making it worth going after you.

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Answered on 10/05/99, 5:59 pm

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