Legal Question in Constitutional Law in California
I may have placed this question in the wrong catagory.
A California Public School District has informed me that they will only accept communications from my sent by regular mail to their designated attorney, and will not accept communications by Email (even theough they routinely use Email in their course of business)
Is there any legitimate basis for their request, or may I consider their request just a request.
Since they made this request they have ignored a Public Records Recuest I sent to both their attorney and superintendent by Email.
Thank You
1 Answer from Attorneys
As ubiquitous as email is, it is not yet accepted for most formal legal communications by any government agency or private organization that I know of. Furthermore, government agencies have the authority to regulate how formal notices and demands are made on them as long as the regulations are not unreasonably burdensome or discriminatory. So get over it, put it in hard copy and mail it.
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