Legal Question in Consumer Law in California

What Consists of Internet Fraud?

If a person advertises a body Shop, as a business over the net, takes your money with false promises and doesn't deliver the goods, made you pay for in advance for their services? Goes out of their way after collecting your money, to try and piss you off by playing game after games, trying to get you to lose your cool., in order to have you get violent, (but your to smart for that), so they can say screw you and keep your classic car. They keep playing dangerous games with you. This behavior wakes you up, to the fact maybe this guy is a crook. Then when you look into their business a little further, you find out not only when he made his bid he wasn�t licensed and used someone else�s license when writing the estimate, to which was expired. Succors you into paying the full amount of the bid up front with different set dates of false promises through out the build of completion, holding you hostage for 18 months?, Then shoves your car aside while continuing to build his undergrown business into a legal business But has been totally un-licensed through out your build?, There so much more to this I�m just trying to keep it brief. Does this consist of Fraud over the world wide web? And isn�t this deemed as Internet Fraud? & Misrepresentation? Can I file a Police report of Internet Fraud and have him arrested even if he just got legally licensed? He has moved twice and has no other complaints filed against him. He still has my parts and car which total over 50K.

Asked on 3/24/10, 11:37 am

2 Answers from Attorneys

Many people get pushed around and because the people who push them around feel they are afraid to actually litigate to resolve the issue. Complaining to the police probably will not do anything. Are you looking to get a lawyer to go after your 50k?


Daniel Bakondi, Esq.


The Law Office of Daniel Bakondi

870 Market Street, Suite 1161

San Francisco CA 94102

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Answered on 3/29/10, 12:33 pm
Bryan Becker Becker Attorneys

Fraud is fraud, it doesn't need to be over the internet to have any other designation. You should also look at California Unfair Acts and Deceptive Pratices Act. That will also provide you a remedy. Be mindful of your time limits though! Under California�s

UDAP law the statute of limitations is three (3) years from the date of the commission of the fraudulent act or practice. If you would like to discuss further, feel free to contact me.



Becker Attorneys


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Answered on 4/09/10, 11:42 am

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