Legal Question in Credit and Debt Law in California

bank lien

I just found out that my mother is

still on my checking account (the

bank never took her off, as I

instructed ages ago) and I have a

bank lien against me right now. Can

they come after her own personal

account (which I am NOT on) even

though the debt is SOLELY mine??

(she never co-signed or anything) I

just want to make sure that she is

not affected, as this is my problem.

Asked on 6/04/07, 3:04 pm

2 Answers from Attorneys

Jonathan Stein Law Offices of Jonathan G. Stein

Re: bank lien

She could be affected in that they could take money in the account. She would have to prove that the money is hers and not yours. If it is just your money, she should not have any problems.

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Answered on 6/04/07, 3:18 pm
Robert Mccoy Law Office Of Robert McCoy

Re: bank lien

They can attach any account with your name on it. They cannot attach any account without your name on it--but if you are married, or have registered domestic partner status, they could attach an account in your husband's or domestic partner's sole name.

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Answered on 6/04/07, 4:36 pm

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