Legal Question in Credit and Debt Law in California

Car Ownership

I moved to Texas and my daughter remained in LA with her boyfriends of 6 years. She didn't have her drivers license due to her illness and medical issues. Their old car that they purchased turned out to be un-smogable and uninsurable. Brant (my daughters boyfriend) got caught driving her to get something to eat and had no insurance or current registration. I bailed him out of that mess and then removed $3600.00 from my 401K and placed in my daughters personal; account so she could buy a car and at a used car dealership which she did. Her boyfriend wen to the dealship and paid for the car with the money I put in her account but he informed her the car couldn't be in her name as she didn't have a license and couldn't get insurance. I was in Texas when he went buy the car they found so I didn't know he had told her this and she was too sick to communicate it to me at the time. Neither of us had any reason to suspect her boyfriend would abandon her and steal her car, he did. What can I do?

Asked on 1/30/08, 5:32 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

Robert F. Cohen Law Office of Robert F. Cohen

Re: Car Ownership

Nothing but be a witness for your daughter in her small claims lawsuit against her ex-boyfriend.

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Answered on 1/30/08, 7:31 pm

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