Legal Question in Credit and Debt Law in California

Credit card debt lawsuit

I am being sued for an old credit card debt. I have not made payments on the card for more than 5 years. Can I ask the credit company or the attorney for a verification of debt to see the card/payment activity and original contract. I have called the bank and there are no records of my account. I don't have any papers regarding this account.

Asked on 6/05/08, 5:43 pm

3 Answers from Attorneys

Michael Stone Law Offices of Michael B. Stone Toll Free 1-855-USE-MIKE

Re: Credit card debt lawsuit

Zombie debt (Google the term) rears its ugly head again. The statute of limitations is up. Don't call the attorney or collection agency without consulting a lawyer first. Deal with them, if at all, only in writing. Don't make any payment or promises to pay, you will reset the statute of limitations! Don't give out your bank account information. Don't answer the lawsuit yourself, use an attorney. You must answer within 30 days or default judgment will be entered against you. Good luck!

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Answered on 6/05/08, 6:00 pm
David Gibbs The Gibbs Law Firm, APC

Re: Credit card debt lawsuit

Thank you for your inquiry. As a consumer, yes, you are entitled to request verification of the obligation. In doing so, I would suggest that you write to whomever has contacted you with respect to collecting the debt (the credit card company, their assignee, a debt collector or attorney). In that correspondence, first state that you dispute the obligation, and that you require the following items to allow you to determine the validity of the obligation: 1. The application for the extension of credit; 2. Any contracts or agreements to which you are a party that establish the basis for the obligations, and any modifications of the terms; 3. The entire account history, including all purchases, cash advances and payments made by you from the date of inception through today's date; 4. Any and all correspondence from any entity attempting to collect the obligation, whether to you or third parties; and 4. Any other documents or records related to the obligation.

Once you have these, you may wish to contact an attorney in your area who specializes in consumer debt obligations. Unfortunately, based upon the zip-code you supplied, our firm does not handle matters in your part of the State. Good luck with this, and please feel free to email back with further questions.

David L. Gibbs

The Gibbs Law Firm, APC

*Due to the nature of the LawGuru Forums, The Gibbs Law Firm, APC's (the "Firm") participation in responding to questions posted herein does not constitute legal advice, nor legal representation of the person or entity posting a question. No Attorney/Client relationship is or shall be construed to be created until such time as the posting entity contacts the Firm directly by telephone, and provides a name and contact information, and the Firm accepts said entity as a client. The nature of the information provided herein is general in nature, and requires that the posting entity obtain specific legal advice from an attorney of their chosing. The posting entity may not rely upon the information provided herein as legal advice nor as the basis for making any decisions of legal consequence. Please always consult with an attorney directly (i.e., not through the forums) before taking any actions.

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Answered on 6/05/08, 6:06 pm

Re: Credit card debt lawsuit

You first need to allege statute of limitations as an affirmative defense and then request via discovery. Contact me directly.

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Answered on 6/06/08, 1:23 pm

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