Legal Question in Credit and Debt Law in California


When I was in my early 20's I ran into credit problems.

Now that it's coming to the 7yr mark for them to fall off.

The creditos continue to re-open the accounts . So at

this point it's not helping me clear up those old account.

Is that fair and I thought by Law it clears in 7yrs . Whom

can I speak with? Example: I had an account go to

collects in 96 now it's 03 yrs from that date it's show's

re-opened in 2000

Asked on 1/16/04, 2:14 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

Ken Koenen Koenen & Tokunaga, P.C.

Re: Credit

They can only report something for 7 years from the last activity. Usually, that means about 3 months after the last purchase or payment. (There are some other finer details, but not that important for a general answer)

If you made a payment to them in 2000, they could start the clock again.

You should first send the credit reporting companies a letter saying that they are not valid. They will send a response to you (after checking with the creditor) that it is either invalid, and will be removed, or is valid (according to the creditor) and a date when it will be removed.

Any that you disagree with, you should contact them directly and tell them that you plan to take legal action if they are not removed.

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Answered on 1/16/04, 6:19 pm

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