Legal Question in Credit and Debt Law in California
I forged a treasury check, deposited to my bank. This check belonged to a friend. Before said friend found out, I confessed. We worked out a payment arrangement, but said friend contacted the V.A. and they said a rep would get with him in 2-4 weeks. I have since worked out an arrangement with said friend. Can he tell whoever calls him in 2-4 weeks that the matter was resolved, and everything is OK, or am I looking at prison time? This is my first time offense, no record whatsoever, single mother of 2. This was an act of desperation, not a habit. I am deeply regretful and disgusted with myself. I am also scared, no idea what to do.
2 Answers from Attorneys
Even if you paid your friend back, you can still be charged for a federal crime. The fact that you re-paid some of the money will be likely to get you a reduced sentence.
This is not a credit and collections law question. You need to ask a criminal defense lawyer.