Legal Question in Credit and Debt Law in California

iam 17 years old and got a ticket about a year ago for j-walking and i refuse to pay and ive got a warrant a nd the coast of the ticket when extreamly high so if i go and talk to a gudge and tell him if i can get a lower coast for it is it possible and what are the possibilities he will. and if there's a possibility that i can get arrested while i got to court to try to get things clear or not and how putting my self as a trial what does that mean i didnt commited a crime or somrthing like that or what other options do i have left

Asked on 9/18/10, 8:57 am

1 Answer from Attorneys

Joe Marman Law Office of Joseph Marman

If you make an appointment in court, you must also be ready to deal with the warrant and ask the judge to recall the warrant. There will be a fine for the failure to appear. They judge will usually reduce the fine, and perhaps give you community service, but you will have to plead guilty or no contest. It is too late to contest the validity of the court finding you guilty.

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Answered on 9/23/10, 9:04 am

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