Legal Question in Credit and Debt Law in California


I was suied base on verbal contract I could not afford an attorney and the case is set for entry of a Judgement The attorney for the other side did not show up for a hearing and the judge order the case be drop but he file motion and case law that brought it back to court, is there anything I can due or say before the judgement is passed. I called legal aid but I made $24,000.00 last year so I did not qulify

Asked on 1/08/01, 4:49 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

Ken Koury Kenneth P. Koury, Esq.

Re: Judgement

It is unclear from your question exactly what is happening but I gather you are about to have a judgment against you unless you take some very quick action. You need to have an attorney look at your paperwork and take immediate action to protect you. Many attorneys will give you a free consultation and work out a very low monthly payment schedule if any work needs to be done.

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Answered on 1/12/01, 4:19 am

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