Legal Question in Credit and Debt Law in California

Who is the legal creditor?

I have a bill from a phone company for $500, which now a collection agency has it now, for around a yr, and orginal creditor, the phone compancy is not on my credit record, but the collection agency is, Im I legally obligated to pay the collection agency, since they are not the orginal creditor? and can I dispute it with my credit agencies saying this is not my debt? Or ask the collection agency to validate the bill?

Asked on 6/12/07, 1:28 pm

2 Answers from Attorneys

Carl Starrett Law Offices of Carl H. Starrett II

Re: Who is the legal creditor?

I cannot tell from you post whether or not you admit owing the money. If the ccollection agency is a valid assignee of the debt, you MIGHT be legally obligated to pay them. Nonethless, is never hurts to dsipute the debt in writing, demand validation and request proof that they have the legal right to collect it. If you email me, I can send you a link to a sample dispute/demand for validation letter.

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Answered on 6/12/07, 1:52 pm
Jonathan Stein Law Offices of Jonathan G. Stein

Re: Who is the legal creditor?

You should first ask for verification of the debt. You then may want to dispute it. Do those two things first before you do anything else.

You can get sample letters at my blog,

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Answered on 6/12/07, 3:04 pm

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