Legal Question in Credit and Debt Law in California

liens and property owned

A relatives has many liens out on him, he is running businesses without license in a building I allowed him to build on my property, He said he didn't have any children and wanted to build on my property so I would inherit it. Our self written contract says all improvements belong to us unless we sell and he can use the building if he pays the taxes. We want to evict him from the building he built. If we can't we want to sell property to get him out of our life. His wife is on our contract. But if we sell property we are hoping his half goes to pay liens. We have found he owns alot of property cars, buses, etc in wifes name and other relatives. How do we expose him and wife to government.

Asked on 5/27/07, 1:57 am

1 Answer from Attorneys

Joel Selik

Re: liens and property owned

You need the contract reviewed to see the best one to handle him. Also, there are some "whistle blower" laws that may assist you and get you some compensation. But, again, have contract legally reviewed first.

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Answered on 5/27/07, 8:33 am

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