Legal Question in Credit and Debt Law in California

I live in California, the debt is in Tennessee, the collector is in Utah...

I currently live in California. While living in Tennessee I was involved in a dispute over a $27.05 fee for service that was never performed. After numerous attempts to dispute the charge I finally spoke with a Customer Service Supervisor who agreed to submit a request to stop the billing occurrence. I never heard any more from her or the company so I thought the issue had been resolved. Now a year and a half later, a law firm in Utah, demanding that I pay the debt, is contacting me. In addition, they are adding on a $49 collection fee. I still emphatically deny that I owe this debt. Throughout the initial dispute, I kept documentation and copies of all correspondence to and from the company for my records, although everything is currently in storage in Tennessee. My questions are this: 1. Can I successfully dispute this debt if I am unable to retrieve all of the documentation in a timely manner? 2. Should I just give in and pay the debt for the sake of putting it to rest? 3. If I pay the debt now that it has been turned over to collections, how will it affect my credit? 4. What can the law firm legally charge me in collection fees? Answers to these questions and/or any advice will be greatly appreciated.

Asked on 6/26/03, 3:40 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

Sheldon G. Bardach Law Offices of Sheldon G. Bardach

Re: I live in California, the debt is in Tennessee, the collector is in Utah...

Write the collection agency and give them your side of the dispute. At least then, they will be required to send your explanation when sending out anything negative about the transaction. It could help you. Definitely it should not now be paid.

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Answered on 6/26/03, 3:45 pm

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