Legal Question in Credit and Debt Law in California


in foreclosure. signed new refiance with co. I sent the 1400 they needed in 2 money orders one for a 1000 one for 400. I was called and told they didn't get the 400 money order. I did send,called bank found out had to mail copy and they would put a stop payment and issue a new one said it would take a few weeks. called mortgage co. and told them they said okay to send it as soon as I get it. It took 3 weeks to recieve the new one. I called co. left message asked them where to send it attention who told them I had not recieved a new bill. waited 3 days and then I called customer service they told me the address for the payment center. I mailed it out with a note explaining. 4 days later I get a message that my house was getting back in foreclosure because they did not get the 400, they are in Calif. I called back never can talk to somebody left message said yes I did have copy told them that I mailed it to the payment center in Texas for them to check I told her I was still waiting for a bill.Nobody called back Today i got a letter saying i was back in foreclosure. I recieved old bill also with the 1000 payment they depoisited and the old balance.Since they already took the 1000 and deposited does that mean they voided contract

Asked on 6/11/07, 7:34 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

Robert Mccoy Law Office Of Robert McCoy

Re: mortgage

Ah, yes, the old "Just don't worry about it, everything will work out just fine, we do not want you to be the slightest bit concerned" routine. It is obvious to me that your mortgage company is playing you. Some banks actually have educational courses that teach their workout department people how to lull their defaulting customers into a false sense of security so that the bank can surreptiously pull their house out from under the customer before the customer figures out what is going on. You need to confirm every conversation, or lack thereof by written correspondence. That way if your house does sell at a foreclosure, you will have a documentary paper trail to base a civil lawsuit upon. You might want to hire the assistance of a law firm.

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Answered on 6/12/07, 1:27 am

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