Legal Question in Credit and Debt Law in California

Re-po of leased vehicle

I leased a vehicle in 2002 and filed Bankruptcy shortly after,but continued making payments.We called the lender on 11/15 and they told us that we were THREE months behind and were set up for possible repo so we told them that we would gather all of our info and get back to them, we contacted our bank and ordered the cancelled checks, well we called the lender back and told them that we were waiting for the checks to come in to verify the payments, well Monday morning 11/30 they came and took our vehicle.We contacted the lender and they said that there was nothing that we could do because they do not return leased vehicles, well we have gone over all payments with them and come to find out they did not have record of a money order that was sent to them so we are tracing it and they told us that if we can prove that we sent it then there was a possibility that we could get our vehicle back but we would be responsible for towing and storage because we did not make a full payment last month.Well I was just wondering if this is all legal, do we have a leg to stand on or should we just let it go, also because of the BK are we still responsible for any further fees after they auction the vehicle off? Any help will be GREATLY appreciated

Asked on 12/02/04, 10:57 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys


Re: Re-po of leased vehicle

By right if it was the finance company's error, you should not be liable for the extra costs. They would also be liable for your "loss of use" of the vehicle. Call me directly at (619) 222-3504.

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Answered on 12/03/04, 11:49 am

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