Legal Question in Credit and Debt Law in California

Statue of Limitations, Speeding Ticket, DMV

I rcvd speeding ticket 6/98 while traveling through Visalia, CA. I live in OC, CA. I pulled a credit report last week just to review and saw a neg mark re. this ticket, saying not paid. I paid the ticket - however, I cannot find record of payment as this was 6 years ago. I never rcvd any notice of collection in the last 6 years, and I filed a dispute with the credit bureau. Rcvd a collection letter today re this ticket. Here are my questions:

1. Does SOL apply to a speeding ticket?

2. Should I pay the fine again just to make sure credit is protected? My report says this will stay on record until 6/05 - not much longer. If I pay, will this start the reporting clock over - another 7 years?

3. Nothing neg has ever appeared w/ DMV - the letter is saying my license could be suspended. Is this true?

Thank you for your help!


Asked on 4/26/04, 6:38 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

Larry Rothman Larry Rothman & Associates

Re: Statue of Limitations, Speeding Ticket, DMV

Was the collection letter from the county or from a private collection agency. There may be a violation of the fair debt collection act.

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Answered on 4/28/04, 6:47 pm

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