Legal Question in Credit and Debt Law in California
Stuck in The Middle of
A friend asked me to build him a computer quickly, his computer was stolen and he was unable to do his job (self employed at home). I prepared a quote. He revised the quote $350.00 more in upgrades. The bank was now closed. My old roommate suggested he deposit the check in his account (being a friend also) so he could give me cash to buy the parts. I had my old roommate sign my quote for the computer, that he received the check. When I returned the following day, All was working well except for the sound card which I said I would return to correct, after I got some sleep. Two days following, I went by my old roomates place on the way to finish the job and was shocked to learn of the cancelled check without notification. My roommate being 79 years old had been wiped out. I called numerous times, finally getting in touch with him 3-days later, His reply was I am not paying until my computer is fixed and I dont want you to touch it. I have 30-days from purchase, to return the computer parts, and, either, rectify the problem or return the money to its rightful owner. I am getting no cooperation. Could you please direct me?
1 Answer from Attorneys
Re: Stuck in The Middle of
Thanks for your posting. From a legal point of view, you can always file a lawsuit. If you believe your friend knew the check would bounce, you might want to contact the police, as that might be check fraud or some other crime. Both you and your other roommate might want to demand the amount in writing from him, or negotiate this somehow, before you sue.