Legal Question in Credit and Debt Law in California

Terminology - their definition doesn't match Websters et al

I was recently pre-approved for financing for a new vehicle (up to a certain dollar amount). I am interested in purchasing a motorcycle. A motorcycle satisfies all ''Vehicle Guidelines'' posted on their website and in their loan paperwork (which I have already received, and was instructed to take to a franchised dealer to purchase my vehicle). NOW they're telling me that a motorcycle is not a ''vehicle,'' regardless of what the dictionary says, and that they won't finance it (even though it meets their Guidelines). What options do I have in arguing this?



Asked on 8/20/02, 6:46 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

Martin Lathrop Russakow, Ryan & Johnson

Re: Terminology - their definition doesn't match Websters et al

First, I want to congratulate you on your decision to buy a motorcycle. I am a motorcycle enthusiast and am always happy to hear of new riders coming into motorcycling or previous motorcyclists coming back.

To answer your question I will need to see the cite and get some more information from you. Feel free to contact me so I can properly advise you of your rights and remedies-Martin

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Answered on 8/20/02, 6:56 pm

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