Legal Question in Credit and Debt Law in California

Tutition Fees/ not paid by student

My son co signed for his girl friend to go to school, they are now split up and she refuses to pay it, so to keep his credit from being ruined, he is paying for it. What can he do?

Asked on 4/19/07, 1:51 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

Jonathan Stein Law Offices of Jonathan G. Stein

Re: Tutition Fees/ not paid by student

He needs to file a lawsuit against her. It wont be fun or pretty, but that is his best option. If it is less than $7,500 he can sue in small claims court. For that, he should get my free e-book on small claims court by emailing me at [email protected]

If it is over $7,500, he may need to hire an attorney.

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Answered on 4/19/07, 1:58 pm

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