Legal Question in Criminal Law in California
3rd DUI-On probation
I went to court for my 3rd DUI,
which I received while sleeping in my
car. I am on probation from 2nd DUI
(which I've paid and completed
everything for), but wasn't detained
on the condition that I do 4 AA
meetings per week. I'm fighting my
case, pleaded not guilty and have a
pre-trial for June 29th. I'm leaving to
study abroad in Paris on June 30th.
Do i need permission to do so and will
the judge give me permission? I
return on August 9th. I have
documentation from school, flight
info., etc. And what is a pre-trial? Is
it when you take in evidence to
support your case? Or can you be
2 Answers from Attorneys
Re: 3rd DUI-On probation
It appears that you've already been to court and were arraigned in order to get your 6/29 pretrial date, so I assume you have an attorney.
My answer is: it depends. The conditions of your release while the charge is pending will dictate whether you can leave the state or country.
Ask your attorney - they're familiar with your case.
Re: 3rd DUI-On probation
A lawyer can make all appearances for you. Hire one and you should be able to travel and leave the country without any problems.
Third time DUI is a serious offense. Sounds like you might have a defense if there is little or no evidence that you were driving while drunk. Do not forget to request a hearing from the DMV within 10 days of your arrest.
Feel free to contact my office for additional no-obligation consultation regarding your case.
Jacek W. Lentz, Esq.
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