Legal Question in Criminal Law in California
animal ownership
i lost my dog 2 years ago. 6 months ago i find out a friend has my dog and wont give it back. the dog was not licesends thru the city. i made a missing report at aspca. and made flyers of my missing dog. can i get my dog back and how would i go about this. thank u
1 Answer from Attorneys
Re: animal ownership
I would take along at least one other person who knows your dog well and call the police to this "friend's" home when you know he is there with your dog. Tell the police that you have found your stolen property in the possession of a guy and you are there to retrieve it and need police backup. Then you and the friend can ID your dog and hopefully the police will assist you in recovering him. Take the posters along with you to show police.
Don't call police in advance of going there. Go and make sure he is home and then call. The only reason the police will come is if they think there may be a breach of peace if they don't. If you call and just say "How about coming to get my dog back" they'll tell you it's a civil matter. Good luck.
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