Legal Question in Criminal Law in California

arrested . charge transport and sales

i was pulled over by officer said ran plates and there was a bench warrant on car but not registered owner.i was driving with out a liscense and was arrested when got police station was caught with gram on me would my charge not be for driving on suspended liscense the bench warrant for a failure to appear and possesion of a controlled substance. they charged me with transport and sales its confuseing.

Asked on 1/28/07, 4:54 am

1 Answer from Attorneys

Daniel J. Mangan III JuryTrialJustice

Re: arrested . charge transport and sales

As stated, it is confusing, bench warrants are not issued for cars, just for people...absent one very bizzare and uncommon S/W for the car?...if a person is lawfully stopped...perhaps a big if here...and is driving without a license, the car is going to be impounded and the person arrested, officer has discretion on cite release at the scene (the person may, repeat may be subject to a full search on the cite at scene) or booking at the station, at the station all property is going to be searched and inventoried. As to charges, unfortunately, transportation could be charged, but drug programs may be available nonetheless, dependas on too many factors to know from your question.



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Answered on 1/28/07, 12:44 pm

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