Legal Question in Criminal Law in California

Arrested then charges dropped, I want to file a police complaint


My adult son was at his house with

his girl friend and she was drinking.

My son took the girlfriends car keys

because she want to drive. My son

would not give her the keys so she

phoned the police. The police asked

the girlfriend to leave (she lives in

another county) and said she didn't

want to leave and everything was

OK. Because the girlfriend would not

leave my son's house, the police

arrested my son for false


After going to court seven different

times because the DA was not ready

for the case they finally dropped the


My son wants to file a complaint with

the police for arresting him in his

own house because the girlfriend said

she didn't want to leave.

My son lost time at work and was put

through a great deal of stress.

Can someone please help us put

together the correct wording for filing

a compliant. My son plans to ask for

wages lost due to the seven different

court appearance. Who should he

write the complaint?

He went to police department and

received a complaint form.

All suggestions and advice would be

greatly appreciated.


Asked on 3/14/08, 8:16 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

Jacek W. Lentz Law Offices of Jacek W. Lentz

Re: Arrested then charges dropped, I want to file a police complaint

I do not believe there are any magic words here. Just describe what happened on the complaint form and add pages if necessary. Your son, as the party who was harmed by police conduct, should do it.

Jacek W. Lentz, Esq.


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Answered on 3/14/08, 9:02 pm

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