Legal Question in Criminal Law in California

what charges are they and penalty

I would like to know what this laws state:Section 550,491,and 182/550,cpc,felonies. I would also like to know what is the maximum sentence that can be given in case I'm found guilty. thank you

Asked on 7/07/00, 6:01 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

Steven Mandell Law Offices of Steven R. Mandell

Re: what charges are they and penalty

First off, Penal Code section 491 is a section where dogs are declared personal property and does not carry with it a penalty because it doesn't declare a crime. It's a definitional statement only. Penal Code section 550 is 1 1/2 pages long and details many different penalties depending on the specific facts committed (or alleged). The most severe penalty appears to be a maximum of 5 years in the state prison and a fine of double the amount of the fraud in question, unless there are prior convictions, in which case the penalties are even more severe. Penal code section 182/550 is conspiracy to commit fraud, and is generally punishable by 1/2 of the sentence available for a conviction of PC section 550. It is enormously complex and dangerous to try to advise someone about what the penalty will be without knowing a great deal more about the allegations than you've given us here. You may not be looking at a jail sentence at all! You should definitely consult with a criminal lawyer about legal representation. If your case is in Los Angeles, please feel free to call me for a free consultation.

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Answered on 9/08/00, 6:40 pm

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