Legal Question in Criminal Law in California

dispute with girlfriend

Thank you sir in advance. Me and my girlfriend went to a bar and both of us consumed alcohal, she was definatly buzzed or drunk, i was buzzed. we came home she ate and i just fell asleep on the couch while she ate she woke me up yelln and screaming about a text message on my phone, we argued for a bit, and she told me to get out. so i started to get my stuff out including my cell phone charger and another things i started to walk out of the room and she tryed grabbing the charger and slapping me scratching me as i was trying to get out. she even stated she tryed to take the charger from me. it was mine anyways while she was striking me i pushed her and my had slipped and caused to hit her in the face open handed. but the charges against me said i punched her in the face and strangled her with one hand. they said she had red marks on her neck which ididnt at all i did try to leave the house at first and she stopped me by grabbing my cell phone charger so she struck me first and hit me first all i did was push her and she hit her head when she tripped over the laundry basket, i didnt even know bout that. and i did hold her down to stop her from striking me. what should i do, im in the military

Asked on 2/21/09, 2:55 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

Jacek W. Lentz Law Offices of Jacek W. Lentz

Re: dispute with girlfriend

There is only one thing you can and absolutely must do - get a lawyer.

While the truth might be completely on your side, domestic violence charges do not usually go away easily, not even in situations where the victim changes her story and wants to help the defendant by telling the prosecution her initial story was not true. This is a kind of a politically charged offense which prosecutors do not easily let go of. Prosecuting all reports of domestic violence at all cost is considered politically correct.

Pictures, 911 tapes, etc, will be used as evidence against you unless the victim does not show up in court to testify and the case has to be dismissed. You need to contact a lawyer as soon as possible to confidentially discuss all the options open to you.

Feel free to contact my office if you are looking for representation in Southern California.

Jacek W. Lentz, Esq.


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Answered on 2/22/09, 6:29 pm

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