Legal Question in Criminal Law in California

drug possession

what is the legal point of view and how the law treat people that are having small dozes of drugs (like canabis) for personal use

Asked on 7/22/04, 10:35 am

1 Answer from Attorneys

Edward Hoffman Law Offices of Edward A. Hoffman

Re: drug possession

Possession of small quantities of drugs for personal use is usually a misdemeanor, though in some states possession of particularly powerful or dangerous drugs may be a felony. The penalty varies from state to state and also depends upon the precise quantity and which drugs are involved; penalties can increase dramatically if the offender has a criminal history or if the drugs were discovered along with evidence of other crimes.

In California, most first-time violator's of possession laws (as opposed to dealers) are eligible for a diversion program in which they are treated for drug dependancy rather than punished. They only get to do this once, though; if they are caught again they face criminal penalties.

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Answered on 7/22/04, 2:03 pm

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