Legal Question in Criminal Law in California

false arrest

Can I file a case against the police that arrested me in june 07?

It was a false arrest

Asked on 2/19/09, 1:31 pm

2 Answers from Attorneys

Brian McGinity McGinity Law Office

Re: false arrest

I believe you are past the Statue of limitations regarding a governmental claim. They generally only allow someone 180 days or 6 months to file a claim against a government agency. However, your question should probably be asked to a personal injury attorney and not a criminal law attorney. So I suggest you ask your question to a different group of attorneys such as personal injury attorneys. Good Luck.

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Answered on 2/19/09, 11:33 pm
Edward Hoffman Law Offices of Edward A. Hoffman

Re: false arrest

You can file, but what matters is whether you can win. To win, you will have to prove that the police knew there were no grounds to arrest you but did so anyway. That they later turned out to be mistaken is not enough.

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Answered on 2/19/09, 2:26 pm

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