Legal Question in Criminal Law in California

how can i find out who the confidential informant was/is in my current court case so i could question that persons credibility or during my trial will i see them testify isnt that my right to be able to face my accused

Asked on 8/07/10, 1:58 pm

2 Answers from Attorneys

Joe Dane Law Office of Joe Dane

The law on informants has several twists. If the informant is a percipient witness, then you may be entitled to their identity. If they just provided information to establish probable cause in support of a search warrant, then it's a different analysis.

The judge may be required to conduct a hearing on the issue of whether or not the informant must be disclosed under any number of theories.

Only your attorney can answer this question completely. They have access to all the evidence, witness statements, etc.

Can a judge order disclosure of a CI? Yes. Will they? That depends on the particular facts in your case.

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Answered on 8/12/10, 10:59 pm
Anthony Roach Law Office of Anthony A. Roach

It can only be disclosed based on the judge's ruling on a motion. You should have an attorney. In criminal law, you get an attorney appointed for you if you cannot afford one. There is absolutely no excuse for you to not have an attorney, and you do not have the time to teach yourself law before you get convicted.

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Answered on 8/13/10, 9:39 am

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