Legal Question in Criminal Law in California

grand theft,driving w/suspended licences and in possetion of parafeniella

thank you for responding to my question I do apprectiate your very vaulble time. If I gave his private lawyer a call what is the likely hood of him discussing the case with me ? will he have to get the okay from my friend first or will he be able to discuss things with me ? thank you again and God Bless

Asked on 8/13/08, 3:02 am

2 Answers from Attorneys

Jacek W. Lentz Law Offices of Jacek W. Lentz

Re: grand theft,driving w/suspended licences and in possetion of parafeniella

Yes, your friend would need to give permission and even then the lawyer might not want to talk to you about everything.

Your friend, the defendant and client, should be asking all these questions, not you. It is he who should really care about the status of the case and what is likely to happen to him, correct?


Jacek W. Lentz, Esq.


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Answered on 8/13/08, 2:09 pm
Edward Hoffman Law Offices of Edward A. Hoffman

Re: grand theft,driving w/suspended licences and in possetion of parafeniella

Your question is somewhat ambiguous, since it doesn't explain who "he" is. Mr. Lentz's answer makes sense if "he" is the defendant and you are a third party. But if "he" is a victim and you are the accused, the answer is different.

If the victim has a private lawyer then he either has sued the driver (presumably you) or is planning to. If you have a lawyer defending you in the civil case then the other lawyer will refuse to speak with you unless your lawyer gives permission. If you don't have a lawyer then the victim's lawyer will be allowed to speak with you, but you should be very careful since what you say may be usable against you in the civil case and/or the criminal prosecution.

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Answered on 8/13/08, 2:47 pm

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