Legal Question in Criminal Law in California

Are We All Human Here?

okay, my case started four years ago and up til now I have always been appointed a county public defender from the courts. Not being to pleased with the way they helped me, I seeked out an attorney and paid them to help me out with a failure to comply case and a felony warrant. Beings that I paid for their services wouldn't they now act as a private lawyer.? I contact them 8/1 because yesterday the office sec. tells me Im to be in court for recall the warrant and entry of plea on PC 1210.1 on 8/6. less than a week to prepare. I realized that evening on my calendar I have a dentist appt to have a abcessed tooth removed that I've been waiting for two months and would have to wait another month to reschedule. Can you think of any reason why the attorney wouldnt just calendar it for the following monday so I can get this poisonous tooth out of my mouth and quit tasting that crap that drains down my throat? Have I not paid her to help me out. I see attorneys make appearances for clients and reschedule all the time because of whatever their reasons arew but as long as the client is in contact w/ the attorney, isnt it usually accepted by the judge and just recalendared? appreciate your opinion.

Asked on 8/02/07, 4:56 am

1 Answer from Attorneys

Anne Marie Healy Law Offices of Anne Marie Healy

Re: Are We All Human Here?

Yes, you're right, we (I) do this all the time. But, see, we don't know all the specifics of your case, such as how many times it has been continued, etc. If this was the first time, then absolutely no problem. If this was the 10th time, you're going to have a problem.

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Answered on 8/02/07, 5:25 am

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