Legal Question in Criminal Law in California

jewerly stolen from my home.

On 6-26-00 i was leaving my home, on my way to work,when i removed 2 pieces of jewerly.A gold bracelet & my wedding ring. I placed the 2 items in wooden box on my dresser.

The house cleaning crew came that day (two people).On 6-27-00 i discoverd my 2 pieces were gone.I'm 100% sure of were i left them. The cleanig company is bonded & insured Please advise me of my options?

Thank You

Asked on 6/28/00, 5:24 am

1 Answer from Attorneys

Steven Mandell Law Offices of Steven R. Mandell

Re: jewerly stolen from my home.

You might want to make a claim for the value of the jewelery to the company that you hired the cleaning crew from. It will probably not be the first claim they've ever handled, and they will probably put you in touch with their insurance company.

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Answered on 9/05/00, 5:29 pm

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