Legal Question in Criminal Law in California

I live in Southern California and last year I was dating this guy and he had an ex who wouldn�t leave him or me alone. She would tell him I was calling her with blocked numbers and show him missed call from a blocked number. One time he had a phone conversation with me in front of her brother. Her brother told her what he overheard and she said I had spoken with her and told her details of our plan for the night. Then she got her mother to call him and say that she had the number unblocked and the mother read off my number. She was helping her. I couldn�t comprehend why.

So finally I got tired of being accused of things I didn�t do. Listening to everyone ask me if it was true, telling me to leave her alone, and talking down on me because of her stories. That I opened up my phone records to him and googled how to unblock a number. The internet said you would need a court order and my record said I have never once called her, but I know she had called me there was voicemails I let him hear and she got what she thought was my full name off of my voice mail. It was an inside joke last name my best friend and I would put on things like that, but that�s besides the point. I didn�t have to hear anyone accusing me anymore and that was such a relief.

She would frequently show up at his house when I was there. I�d stay in the back and he would go to the front yard to talk to her and tell her to leave. She would and he would come back. Then if we were going to spend time together generally I wouldn�t want to go to his house because I didn�t want to deal with it. Then the second to last time she came by. She about had a seizure in the front yard because she wanted to get in to me. He left her out there and came back in. he had told her if she didn�t leave he would call the police. When I left early the next morning 4 panels of my new car, I only had it for a couple days, well they were keyed to the metal. After that I wouldn�t leave my car there. I would pick him up and drop him off or we would meet some where. I had no proof who did it so I left it alone and I know I shouldn�t have I should have reported every thing from the beginning. He got a hold of her and her story was that she had called some girlfriends down and she was taking a walk around the block to cool down and her girlfriend had done it.. That disturbed me even more what would have happened if I stepped out side and all those girls were there. I could have gotten really hurt. Then she went do a few parties and bragged about how she keyed my car and blamed it on her friend.

Then she got on his facebook because she knew the passwords he commonly used and she completely changed his profile from lighting whatever she felt to putting clips of gay porno and she went on my page with him profile and put the worst comments on everything calling me everything in the book and my nephews are of mixed race she had a lot to say about the babies witch honestly upset me the most. I found it with in a couple hours and erased it as soon as I could because I didn�t want anyone to see. They would think he said that and it wasn�t like that.

The last thing was a wile later, I was dropping him off at his house late one l night and a car that looked like hers creped by.. So we followed it and when it stopped at the stop sign he realized it was her driving and her boyfriend in passenger. He jumped out the car and knocked on the passenger window and started yelling at them. �Are you here to key another car im going to press charges on you for harassment� and he was talking no so nicely to the boyfriend things like what kind of a guy creeps down his girlfriends ex�s house with her and so on. They took off she was visibly upset witch I understand, but the majority of it was she didn�t think she would get caught creeping by. To say the least I left him and moved 50 miles away. We are still friends and talk occasionally, but I really just wanted to get away from it all. It felt like it would never end.

Months later he received paper work from the court saying he was being charged with vandalism. He had no idea why. When he went to court it was her saying that night he went crazy and hopped on her hood and hanged on her windshield and cracked it with his hand. I was there that absolutely didn�t happen and the only proof she had was her boyfriend as a witness. Now when he had gone to court for this he didn�t let me know because he knew how much she put me through and he didn�t even want to bring my name in to it because he knows that�s a big concern for me this crazy girl doesn�t know my last name and I don�t want her to because she could find me. Well he went to court the windshield became that the shocks, rack on the top, mirror basically a list of parts that add up to about 5 thousand dollars. The court gave him the option to pay for the car, do community service, and pay court fees or go to trial and possibly go to jail.

He chose trial. He called me today and explained what happened and wants me to go to court for him and tell them what happened. I agreed pf course its not fair at all and if I can help I will try. Now im extremely scared and nervous. This girl is going to get my full name. I�v gone this whole time with out her getting that and she tried very hard. Now she will be able to find me if she wanted to.

I don�t know what to expect from court. I�v never been there before. Should I right a letter that details everything? What if I forget something it�s a rather long story? Would they even care? What do I do? Should I have a lawyer? If he does get found guilty will they come after me because I was there and driving? I�m so lost. If they say guilty he gets an appeal right? Is there any such thing as accessory to vandalism? If there is anything like that how bad would it be misdemeanor, felony, at ticket, or a fine? Iv never been in trouble before.. With the exception of a traffic ticket. I don�t want anything on my record, but I feel like I should go and be a witness for him because he is telling the truth.

I don�t know help please.

I just found out and I guess court is Monday that gives me 3 days.

Asked on 5/13/10, 4:50 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

Michael Stone Law Offices of Michael B. Stone Toll Free 1-855-USE-MIKE

You are doing the right thing by testifying in court. Be brave. Tell the truth as best you can. Do not write letters. When you get on the stand, ask the judge to let you not disclose your last name.

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Answered on 5/18/10, 4:59 pm

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