Legal Question in Criminal Law in California
ok a few months ago i shipped an item with USPS and the contents went missing during transit. i filed a claim and they paid the replacement amount to me. i recently got a call from a postal instpector asking to "talk" to me in person. i told her the claim was closed and paid out to me months ago and i have nothing to say. she kept insisting and when i kept repeating "i have nothing to say" she said " i am a federal agent and you are getting in the way of our investigation, and i will document that" then hung up. i think they belive i have filed a false claim becasue she said she wanted to ask me questions about why i shipped my laptop in a "big box" and why i had the package returned to sender.
so will i be punished at all for invoking my right to remain silent? she seemd to imply that i am making a mistake by not talking when she said she would "document that". i have panic attacks and my anxiety raises when speaking to authority even though i did nothing wrong. i do suspect they think i commited some sort of fraud, and thus is my worry. i am under no obligation to say anything to any federal employee correct? even if they do decide to come to my door?
1 Answer from Attorneys
You were right to refuse to say anything. Probably they will go away. If not, keep on refusing to say anything.
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