Legal Question in Criminal Law in California


Dear Sirs,

My husband has been serving time in a Level 2 State Prison for 18 months now. His crime was ''assault with a deadly weapon''. I was the victim although I did not press charges and he did not harm me physically. As he was intoxicated at the time and did not know what he was doing. He is due to be release in February of 2001. We just found out as a situpulation of his Parole he will not be allowed around me. Is there anything we can do about this? I have been going to see him in prison the all time and supporting him through this... We want to be together as man and wife. What if anything can be done about this? Thank you for you time and help.

Asked on 12/26/00, 12:39 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

Patrick McNeal Law Offices of Patrick D. McNeal

Re: Parole

This is not an unsual problem when the parolee has a family member as the "victim" of his crime. The Parole Board is usually real cautious in allowing parolees near their victims, the best avenue is to contact the board and if you can't work it out seek a writ..good luck pdm

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Answered on 12/29/00, 1:39 pm

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