Legal Question in Criminal Law in California

what is penal code 487.1.476.AA of the criminal code of california. a man has taken over one of my vacation rentals and refuses to leave. i believe he has violated p.c. 537 defrauding an inn keeper, when i went on line i found he had been convicted of the p.c. 487.1 and wish to know what that is. thankyou for your assistance.

Asked on 2/18/12, 5:58 pm

4 Answers from Attorneys

David M. Wallin Law Offices OF David M. Wallin

Grand theft and forgery. Those are basically the charges you mention. If you feel you are the victim of a crime, contact law enforcement and see if they can help you. I wish you well.................. David Wallin

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Answered on 2/18/12, 6:58 pm
Joe Dane Law Office of Joe Dane

487 is grand theft. 476 is typically for passing bad checks.

No, it's not 537 against you. 537 is obtaining goods or services from a designated facility with the intent NOT to pay. A typical 537 is a restaurant dine and dash.

If it started as a rental and he is staying beyond the time frame, you're going to have to evict him. If he broke on, it's potentially burglary or trespass.

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Answered on 2/18/12, 7:11 pm

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