Legal Question in Criminal Law in California

Physical Assault - should I file a police report?

My sister's boyfriend jumped me while my sister was attempting to strike me....

I was defending myself against her and he jumped me as if I was hurting her...

He grabbed me by the wrists shook me violently and told me he was going to kill me if I ever touched her like that again...

The truth of the matter is that I wasn't doing anything to her that she wasn't doing to me...

Should I file a police report just for the record or not...

Thank you..

Asked on 6/23/00, 6:13 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

Norman Gregory Fernandez, Esq. The Law Offices of Norman Gregory Fernandez & Associates

Re: Physical Assault - should I file a police report?

Family disputes like this often turn into major crimes and murder!! Do not want to scare you but its true. I do not know whether you are male or female, but it sounds like self defense to me, and also sounds like you were assaulted and battered. I would file a police report and possibly get a restraining order against the boyfriend. Remember they will probably lie about what happended, but the guy threatened your life. I would take that seriously. You could also sue for civil assault and battery.

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Answered on 9/01/00, 6:04 am

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