Legal Question in Criminal Law in California

the police kick in my door ram shocked my home, they assumed I was a man writing fraudulant checks in Chino,ca they had pics of this man and its not me nor am I involved in this in any manner plus I was at work the day this happened. I filed a claim against them and was denied, I need help?

Asked on 6/19/12, 9:52 am

2 Answers from Attorneys

Theresa Hofmeister Theresa Hofmeister, Attorney At Law

I am sorry that happened to you. Yours is a civil issue, you've posted here in the Criminal Law section. Some attorneys in this section may also practice civil, while I do not. I would post in the Civil/ or Police Litigation section and/or speak to local civil litigation attorneys in your area regarding suing the Police. Good luck!

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Answered on 6/19/12, 10:11 am
Anthony Roach Law Office of Anthony A. Roach

I agree with Ms. Hofmeister that this is the criminal forum. You would want to post in personal injury or civil litigation sections. Your post here would only be reviewed by attorneys who specialize in criminal defense.

I practice both civil and criminal law. Once you have submitted a claim to a public entity, and it has been denied, you have six (6) months after delivery or mailing of the notice of rejection to file suit. (This answer assumes you timely presented the claim, and that proper notice of rejection of the suit was given.)

The suit must plead that you complied with the claims filing requirement. I urge you not to go it alone, as there are attorneys who will usually take these kinds of cases on a contingency.

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Answered on 6/19/12, 3:35 pm

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