Legal Question in Criminal Law in California

possesion of marijuana with intent to sell

cops found my medical cannabis, $288 dollars cash, and a scale, i got caught with an underaged kid who lied and said i sold it to him, he is my friend and is willing to admit that he lied, i tried to explain to the police that i have a license for the medical cannabis and the scale is for my personal use, the $288 dollars cash is my car payment which i always pay cash throught ''western union'' i have receipts to prove it, they offered me 60 days in jail, i plead not guilty. i go to my court date and the pd says the offer is now 90 days, i was upset so he worked a deal to bring it back down to 60 days, i explained to my pd that i have the kid on my side and all the other stuff and that i wanted to fight it, my pd came back telling me that the d.a. is gonna add more days and an extra charge because the kid was a minor if i continued to fight it, i'm scared with the extra days and charges, dont know if i should fight it or take the deal they are offering me. i have a job and i do not sell cannabis, the kid was scared and lie and is willing to admit it... please help very scared and confused. erick

Asked on 8/18/08, 8:47 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

Jacek W. Lentz Law Offices of Jacek W. Lentz

Re: possesion of marijuana with intent to sell

Sounds like the PD is lazy or does not believe you.

If what you are saying is true and the kid is willing and ready to testify on your behalf, you should stick to the truth and fight your case all the way to trial if necessary. My disclaimer here is that I cannot really advise you as I am not familiar with all facts of your case, particularly with other evidence which is or might be used against you.

Also, keep in mind you might have legal exposure even if you did not sell the weed but made it available to a minor, even if you are a legitimate medical marijuana patient.

My advice would be for you to consult in more detail with another lawyer for a second opinion. Feel free to contact me if you wish.

Jacek W. Lentz, Esq.


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Answered on 8/18/08, 9:12 pm

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