Legal Question in Criminal Law in California

Possibe sex offender Conviction

My little sister says i molested her and touched her thigh which i did by accident. She had a crush on me since i married her sister (my wife) and has grabbed my privates, pinched my rear end, asked for my hand while i was driving and then sucked on my fingers. While taking her home from the store one day she was mad and said we should go to a hotel and i said what? what would we do there and took her home, she would also ask me and my wife about different things to do with sex, and only asked me like when was last time you slept with my sister ect. She also reads a fan created sex stories about anime characters and wanted me to read them so ''we'' could talk about the stories. She wanted me to create characters and then talked to me in a im messenger ect. We made it clear that they were only characters and not us and then the characters sometimes kissed ect but never had sex. my little sister has a perverted sense of humor and felt comfortable making jokes with me and my wife. I realize the im messages were very wrong and i wish i never did that. She just keeps saying i touched her inapropriate, told her sister to stay married to me and be happy but keeps bringing the situation up and ignores my wife sometimes. What should i do?

Asked on 11/26/07, 4:29 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

Jacek W. Lentz Law Offices of Jacek W. Lentz

Re: Possibe sex offender Conviction

If she has not yet gone to the police and there is no investigation, be super careful and good to your sister. Make sure you document and have witnesses for all your contacts with her. Document and get witnesses for all her strange acts and behavior. I am talking specific times and places.

Documentation and witnesses will make it possible to catch her lies - your best and only defense here is impeaching her credibility if push comes to shove.

The longer there is no investigation, the better.

If there is an investigation, make sure you have an attorney on it right away, before charges are even filed.

Very best,

Jacek Lentz


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Answered on 11/26/07, 5:05 pm

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