Legal Question in Criminal Law in California

Privacy Rights

I would like to know if it is legal for my neighbors to monitor my backyard.They are have cameras in the frontyard but it is only monotering 85% of my yard. That does not bother me too much. However, The camera at the back is only monotering my backyard.

The neighbors are not only monerting but disturbing my peace by playing music all day from 9am to 10pm and reving their truck engine and loud music when truck is not in motion.. They are under the process on being charged with disturbing of peace.But he continues to disturb our peace. he also threats us with gang people.Just yesterday 5 or 6 people were at his house and asking me why I call the police for disturbing peace. I called the police and they just told me to ignore them which I believe is not right. I have 3 children that I need to protect too. They use inappropriate gestures and yell out racist remarks to us.He has done that in the presence of a peace officer. I can go on and on.

I was wondering what I can do about it?

Asked on 4/19/08, 8:07 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

Jacek W. Lentz Law Offices of Jacek W. Lentz

Re: Privacy Rights

Keep calling the police. Ask to speak to supervisor/watch commander. Keep calling and reporting everything.

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Answered on 4/19/08, 8:30 pm

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