Legal Question in Criminal Law in California

probation violation

My ex-boyfriend is on 3 year's probation for attacking his step father, trying to kill him by choke- hold.

He has recently threatened to vandalize my car. In the past three years he has threatened to kill me, my parents and especially numerous threats to kill my brother, who was 9 at the time.

The threats began with killing my brother's dog, then it became threats against my family if I didn't go with him, where ever he was that day. He did not have a job at the time, and neither did I. I was constantly in fear of his behavior.

He is bipolar, and not on meds then, but this is no excuse. What would happen to his situation under the law if I were to come forward with this information?

He is now on meds, yet still has threatened to ''hunt down'' my family in the last year. He is sick.

His step father also has a restraining order against him, but still got his tires slashed, which was documented by authorities.

I am avoiding all contact with him now, since he threatened vandalizim a week ago.

Asked on 7/30/07, 11:20 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

Anne Marie Healy Law Offices of Anne Marie Healy

Re: probation violation

You need to take proactive steps, immediately. Even though he's scary, go to court and get a restraining order. This person needs to be removed, even if temporarily, from society. Get a restraining order and then call the police the second he violates it. Why are you waiting around for him to make good on his threats? He already killed your brother's dog. I hate to sound harsh, but are you waiting for him to kill your brother? Yourself? You?

We heard in the new a few weeks ago that a boyfriend killed a girl's entire family because she broke up with him. Is that what you are waiting for?

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Answered on 8/02/07, 2:02 pm

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