Legal Question in Criminal Law in California

Statuatory rape.

I turned 16 on July 17, my boyfriend will turn 18 on November 24. I'd like to know what age of consent in California is. Also, what are the statuatory rape laws in California? Will it be legal for my boyfriend and I to have sexual intercourse after his eighteenth birthday?

Asked on 7/20/00, 12:54 am

1 Answer from Attorneys

David Beauvais David J. Beauvais

Re: Statuatory rape.

I hope this answer does not cause you too much distress. The age of consent in California is 18. It is unlawful for your boyfriend to have sex with you while you are underage no matter how old he is. The statutory rape statute (the crime in California actually is called unlawful sexual intercourse) is designed to protect underage females. So the age of your boyfriend is not relevant.

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Answered on 9/11/00, 8:51 pm

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