Legal Question in Criminal Law in California

Not In the System

I went to my court date. I wasnt on the calendar, so I went to the clerk. She gave me a 15 day extension because she said that I wasnt in the system. But I pulled my file off thier website weeks before my court date. So why wouldnt I be in there system? My boyfriend is also involved in this same case and the DA didnt file any charges against him because they ''lacked sufficent evidence''. So for me they say that I am not in the system...I dont understand why. When we are both being charged with the same thing. If they don't have evidence against him how could they have any against me?

Asked on 10/03/08, 5:16 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

Ramona Hallam Law Offices of Ramona R. Hallam

Re: Not In the System

You need a criminal lawyer to safeguard your interests.

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Answered on 10/04/08, 4:56 pm

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