Legal Question in Criminal Law in California

Twinkee Defense Info.

I am a graduating high school senior. While finishing up school I am attending an Admisistration of Justice Course at a nesrby Comunity college.

I need information regarding the twinkee defense. Including how the jury bought the story, how the defese lawyer presented his case, etc.

I would greatly appreciate it. Thank you.

Asked on 6/22/00, 12:25 am

1 Answer from Attorneys

Steven Mandell Law Offices of Steven R. Mandell

Re: Twinkee Defense Info.

A lunatic named Dan White killed San Francisco Mayor Moscone and Harvey Milk, also a San Francisco office holder of some sort or other. His defense attorney convinced the jury that Dan White was temporarily insane at the time due to his consumption of junk food, particularly Twinkies, I think. The is a tremendous amount written about it and I bet you could find a bunch of it on the internet by searching on the names. How did the attorney get the jury to buy this insane defense? I don't recall, but what does come to mind is how the defense got the insane jury to buy OJ Simpson's innocence. Coincidence? I don't think so....

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Answered on 8/31/00, 10:47 pm

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