Legal Question in Criminal Law in California

no understanding

i feel the grandfather acted inappropriately. also the 9 year old girl needs to be taught by her parents to not climb on any male including her brother. what i am getting at is i need advice to give to this grown man. he should know better than to allow a girl to clilmb on his neck and not teach her.

he has a record of sexual perverson and should know better by now/ what advice can you give this man.

Asked on 8/25/08, 8:13 am

1 Answer from Attorneys

Edward Hoffman Law Offices of Edward A. Hoffman

Re: no understanding

[Note to other users: this question appears to be a follow-up to one I answered yesterday. The prior question may be found at]

What kind of "advice" you give this man is up to you. As I explained in my prior response, it does not seem he was breaking the law. Perhaps you are right that he should have told the girl she was behaving inappropriately, but this website is for questions about the law. How a grandfather should instruct his grandchildren is not a legal question. This site is the wrong place to look for guidance.

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Answered on 8/25/08, 2:29 pm

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